Voters, nearly two million of them, found “Question No. 1” on the ballot to amend the State Constitution - and approved it by roughly 77 percent to 23 percent.
Right now, all civil service jobs and promotions in New York are on a “point system,” and all wartime military veterans get points for service - five points for the original job and two-and-a-half points for promotion.
Under the current law, veterans who were “disabled in the actual performance of duty in any war” and receiving disability payments from the Veterans Administration get double - ten points for the job and five for promotion.
The amendment changes the name of the Veterans Administration to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
The amendment also changes the requirement that a disabled veteran be receiving payments, or that the disability be the result of line-of-duty-in-wartime injury.
Under the amendment, certification from the Department of Veterans Affairs that a disability was “in existence at the time of application” would earn the veteran the extra points.