
Reactions to State of State Address

Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith
Today, Governor Paterson gave his first State of the State address on a historic day for New York, a day during which the Senate was convened with its first Democratic majority in 43 years. But, it was a bittersweet moment for us all - while we note the milestones that have been achieved, we are mindful of the dire fiscal times we’re facing, the likes of which we have not seen since the Great Depression.
Across this great state, New York families are hurting. Unemployment and poverty are rising and healthcare coverage is disappearing. And, we’re grappling with the biggest budget deficit in decades. Now, more than ever before, we need to come together to get our state back on track and help ease the burden on hardworking men and women.
In his address, Governor Paterson laid out an ambitious and forward-looking agenda for the year ahead. From balancing the budget, strengthening our healthcare system to improving schools and creating jobs - the Governor has set the right priorities for this legislative session.
We’ve been energized by the Governor’s specific mention of Rockefeller Drug Law Reform; ambitious initiatives in infrastructure and clean energy; overhauling our economic development initiatives and reforming our Empire Zones.
We are eager to get to work with the Governor and our legislative colleagues to achieve these goals and get New York moving again.

New York Republican State Committee Chair Joseph Mondello
Governor David Paterson’s State of the State Address is a recipe for economic disaster.
By calling for dramatic increases in taxes and even higher state spending, the Governor seems set on driving our state right over the cliff into the abyss of unprecedented fiscal meltdown.
Rather than meeting this fiscal crisis by offering up warmed over versions of the failed economic policies that have driven the state to economic ruin, the Governor should have looked the people of New York square in the eye and admitted to them that decades of profligate spending, unrestrained borrowing and regressive taxation have left our state with only one clear path back to economic health.
The Governor should have been honest with the people of New York and stated that state government has no choice but to meet this unprecedented crisis by immediately beginning to unsnarl and unravel the vast state bureaucracy, rein in the ever expanding network of entitlement programs, and enact deep and across the board cuts in state spending.
The time for business as usual is over. New York must make deep cuts in wasteful state spending and once and for all relieve the oppressive state tax burden that is leading our state to economic ruin.
Wall Street’s fiscal implosion threatens New York with economic challenges far graver than those that the national recession is imposing upon our sister states.
To meet this challenge our state’s leaders must admit to the mistakes of the past, rather than, as the Governor’s message today presages, seek to compound them with higher taxes and ever increasing spending.
These are extraordinary times that demand leaders who can make tough decisions. Senator Dean Skelos and Assembly Jim Tedisco are strong leaders who are ready to lead their conferences during the difficult days ahead.
I urge Governor Paterson to join them in a true bi-partisan coalition that will administer the tough medicine that is the only way to bring New York State back to robust economic health.

Congressmember Carolyn Maloney
In his State of the State message, Governor Paterson called on his federal partners to ‘quickly reform our system of financial regulation.’ As Chair of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit and Vice Chair of the House-Senate Joint Economic Committee in the 110th Congress, the Governor will have my strong support in enacting reforms to stabilize our financial markets and restore the confidence of the American people.
The financial services industry is New York State’s second-largest employer next to the health care industry. The restoration of effective financial regulation is critical to the recovery of our state.
We in Congress know that New York and indeed all 50 states are reeling in the current fiscal crisis. In the coming days, Congress will be working to pass a new stimulus bill that will invest in the states and their infrastructures, and help ease the pain New York is experiencing.

Executive Director Alliance for Quality Education Billy Easton
Governor Paterson hit the right message when he said that we must protect our school children, unfortunately there is a total disconnect between this speech and his budget that takes $2.5 billion out of our schools. The Governor reiterated the call for shared sacrifice, but he is not listening to New Yorkers who overwhelmingly want those earning over $250,000 to share in the sacrifice by paying a little more in taxes. While the Governor says he is concerned about rising property taxes, his policy of dramatic school aid cuts will result in higher property tax increase. It was a great speech, but on education the words do not meet the actions.