
City civil service jobs available

Need a job? Looking for work? Why not consider a career in public service.

Assemblymember Audrey Pheffer announced open competitive exams for jobs with the City of New York.

The Department of Citywide Administration Services (DCAS) administers competitive exams for several positions with the city. There are four job descriptions for which computerized tests are administered, with walk-in testing available daily.

The exams are for Correction Officer; Environmental Police Officer; Police Officer and Traffic Enforcement Agent.

“These exams are wonderful opportunities for those men and women who are interested in beginning a career in public service in fields that help make our great city an even better place to live,” said Pheffer.

Those interested in taking exams must apply at the Computerized Testing Center located at 2 Lafayette Street, 17th Floor, in Manhattan. The Center is open Monday through Saturday, except holidays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Additionally, there are open positions for a Correction Officer, filing period open until May 15; Elevator Mechanic’s Helper, filing period open until March 23; Fraud Investigator, filing period open until March 23; and School Safety Agent, filing period open until April 20. Application forms for these exams are available online, in person, or by mail. If requesting a form by mail, send the request with a self-addressed stamped envelope to: DCAS Application Unit, 1 Centre Street, 14th floor, New York, NY 10007. Requests must be received at least seven days before the filing period closes.

Interested persons can then apply online at www.nyc.gov/examsforjobs or by mail.

To apply by mail, submit your properly completed application forms along with any payment (by money order only) to DCAS Application Unit, at the address above, postmarked no later than the last date of the application-filing period. Applications are not accepted in person.

To learn more by phone, call 3-1-1 and ask for “civil service information.”