Officials and concerned citizens rallied for the closure of an infamous Sunnyside bar with a streak of violence akin to the Roman Coliseum on Thursday, September 2.
Casa Romana was the site of a bloody brawl during “Teen Night” on August 27 that resulted in the stabbings of two minors – both of whom survived – and 14 arrests, including the owners. Of those arrested, 12 were minors. The bar has a long history of multiple violations, and has been cited several times for serving alcohol to minors.
“This rogue club is a major safety problem for local residents and children citywide,” said Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer, who is drafting legislation that would address underage drinking as a major issue of public safety. “Any location that condones underage drinking should be held accountable – the safety of our children is at great risk if these establishments don’t face the proper consequences for their negligence.”
During the rally, Van Bramer, Assemblymember Cathy Nolan and Community Board 2 Chairman Joseph Conley called on police to increase inspections of clubs and bars to deter acts of violence like the melee at Casa Romana.
“With the recent incidents at this establishment, it is time that we crack down on violence and underage drinking at this and other establishments,” said Nolan. “Casa Romana has a history of violations and should not be allowed to keep its doors open any longer. As our community grows, it’s important that we make sure that our residents are safe and businesses are operating according to the law.”
All three officials called for Casa Romana to be shut down for good and for their owners to answer to the law for putting young lives at risk.
“Today we are calling for Casa Romana to be closed and pad locked,” said Conley. “The owners of this business have placed teenage lives in jeopardy just to make a dollar. Places like this, promoting “teen nights” are a haven for trouble – Casa Romana must be shut down before a life is lost.”