
Raising money for college-bound kids

Every parent knows that college is extremely expensive – they also know that it is extremely necessary. That is why young people with academic aspirations need help from their community in order get the best possible education and that essential college degree.
At least one organization is trying hard to make that degree a reality for college-bound city kids.
In 1971, with the help of George Steinbrenner, the New York Urban League (NYUL) hosted its first Football Classic at Yankee Stadium. The purpose of the game was to generate funds for NYUL’s Whitney M. Young, Jr. Scholarship Fund and create a signature event that the local community could support for a good cause.
Fast forward 40 years and the game has grown to become a sports spectacle attended each year by more than 40,000 attendees and has raised more than $20 million in scholarship funds.
The scholars will reconvene to celebrate at the NYUL Football Classic on September 24 at the New Meadowlands Stadium. The students, along with 40,000 other NYUL supporters will watch Howard University take on Morgan State University.
Each year, through their Whitney M. Young, Jr. Scholarship Fund, the NYUL provides much needed funds to be used for tuition, textbooks, meals and living expenses. This year the NYUL received more than 240 applications – an indication that the financial need is there.
Two of those applications came from Queens area students, Aliyah Muhammed and Kiera Harris. The scholarly duo was selected and each of them will receive money toward their college educations – Muhammed at Howard University and Harris at SUNY Binghamton.
“I’m not going to take this for granted,” said Harris of her opportunity. “I’m ready to take full advantage.”
Arva R. Rice, president and CEO of the NYUL, said that creating this day of football action is a great way to show young people the fun and excitement going to college – it also gives them something to aspire to.
“The New York Urban League works to give all students access to quality education, and one of the most direct ways we do this is through our scholarship program,” said Rice. “It is extremely inspiring to see the potential in the 2011 Whitney M. Young, Jr. scholars. Each and every student here has the capacity to be a leader and to create positive change in our community.”
To purchase tickets for NYUL’s 40th annual Football Classic, visit www.nyulfootballclassic.com or call Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000. Proceeds from the Football Classic benefit the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Scholarship Fund and the other educational programs of the New York Urban League.