
Tea Party Leader Guilty of Bringing Gun to Lga

Avoids Jail Time, Forfeits Weapon

A co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots pled guilty last Thursday, Jan. 12, to disorderly conduct in connection with his possession last month of a handgun at LaGuardia Airport.

Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown identified the defendant as Mark J. Meckler, 49, of Grass Valley, Calif. Meckler appeared last Thursday before Queens Criminal Court Judge Dorothy Chin-Brandt and pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. He was immediately sentenced to a one-year conditional discharge and to pay a fine of $250. The weapon will be forfeited.

“When a visitor to our city is arrested, particularly at our airports, for possessing a weapon, there are several factors we consider in fashioning an appropriate disposition-including, but not limited to, was the weapon legally obtained, does the individual possess a valid permit in their home state, the duration of their stay in our city and, in airport cases, whether the individual voluntarily disclosed the weapon to authorities,” Brown said. “The disposition offered in this case was consistent with other similar cases where these criteria were satisfied. In adjudicating such cases, there must be a balance between our obligation to protect our citizens and an individual’s error in judgment. Over the years, we have struck that balance well in ensuring that justice is served and maintaining our state’s tough, successful gun laws.”

Brown also called upon the airlines to warn travelers of their responsibility to check local gun laws.

“Many airlines when asked by a passenger about transporting a weapon will only inform them of federal regulations with no mention of the need to check local laws,” he said. “It is therefore incumbent upon passengers to acquaint themselves with the weapon laws of the jurisdiction that they are visiting and to comply with any and all legal requirements if they choose to travel with a weapon.”

According to the original charges, Meckler presented a locked gun box to a Delta Airlines ticket agent at approximately 5:20 a.m. on Dec. 15, 2011, during check-in. The box contained a Glock 27 pistol and 19 9mm cartridges.

Meckler, who had been in New York since Dec. 11, 2011, told authorities that he had the pistol because he gets threats and that he did not have a New York State carry permit.

The investigation was conducted by the Port Authority Police Department.

Assistant District Attorney Therese M. Lendino, chief of the District Attorney’s Grand Jury Bureau, handled the plea under the supervision of Executive Assistant District Attorney James Quinn and Deputy Executive Assistant District Attorney Robert J. Masters.