
Glendale’s 4/20 chef brews up education and infused coffees with launch of Flower Power Coffee Co.

Flower Power Coffee Co.
Photo via Facebook/Flower Power Coffee Co.

A chef from Glendale known for educating people on the benefits of Cannabidiol (CDB) is giving people in the neighborhood a taste of his CBD-infused coffees as he recently launched his very own company: Flower Power Coffee Co.

Chef Leighton Knowles, who brought New York its very first CBD-infused dinner in Ridgewood on April 20 — better known as 4/20 — has teamed up with his wife Beth, Dr. Craig Leivent, world-renowned master chocolatier Damion Badalamenti, and business consultant Terry N. Bouvier to create Flower Power Coffee Co. with the goals of not only teaching people about CBD, but offering delicious coffee and sweets, too.

CBD is a non-psychoactive component of marijuana which gives the plant many of its medicinal properties including pain and anxiety relief, helping to ease seizures, and a host of other health benefits, while avoiding the high associated with smoking it.

“In general, it’s neuro-protective, it’s anti-carcinogenic, it’s protecting against Alzheimer’s [disease], Parkinson’s [disease], and other neuropathic diseases,” Leivent said of CBD. “It’s being proactive instead of reactive with your health. Ever since the advent of medicine we have extended our life. But, the quality of life is also very important. So, if you can consume CBD to offset some of the side effects or promote some of the benefits of other pharmaceuticals, that’s great.”

Although marijuana has varying levels of legality across the country, CBD is completely legal in all 50 states, which makes the products that Flower Power Coffee Co. sell fully legal and safe to use. The products should also not make an individual fail a drug test for THC, however, if you are worried about a drug test, Knowles suggests not ingesting any of their products 72 hours before a drug test.

Flower Power Coffee Co. will offer three blends of CBD-infused coffees such as Jamaican Blue Mountain, Costa Rican and New York House Blend Signature. Knowles and his team are also selling non-infused coffee, infused skin and beauty products, infused chocolates and candies, clothing, accessories and more.

Knowles recently brought his “flower power” to the Ridgewood Market at The Footlight in Ridgewood where he sold some of his coffees and gave interested members of the community information on his company and the benefits of CBD.

“We’re doing events in and around the city to bring awareness to CBD and who we are as a company,” Knowles said. “And what we are as a brand and a lifestyle. We’re all about education. We want to be viewed as a lifestyle brand where people can get educated and get help through our website and through our social media hubs.”

Knowles originally planned to partner with a business on Myrtle Avenue to bring local residents his infused beverages, but those plans fell through, Knowles said. Now, he is operating out of his Glendale home and is taking orders on his website flowerpower.coffee.

To stay up to date on everything Flower Power Coffee Co., visit their Facebook page.