A Halloween festival hosted by Councilman Robert Holden and the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation is set to take place on Saturday, Oct. 29, at Juniper Valley Park for trunk or treating, a pumpkin patch, carnival games and more.
Holden makes an effort to host something for Halloween each year, according to his Director of Communications Kevin Ryan.
“He enjoys seeing the little boys and ghouls get dressed up and have a great time and it’s very convenient for the parents,” Ryan said. “We’ve had hundreds of people in the past, but we are through the pandemic and everyone wants to get out and have fun this year, more than ever.”

This year, there will be a costume parade starting at Little Park on 74th Street Playground at noon and participants will be marching to the festival at Juniper Valley Park. Ryan expects this festival to have the biggest turnout yet.
The trunk or treating event is returning for its second consecutive year. According to Holden’s office, the event, where vehicles hand out candy from their trunks, make it a safer alternative for younger kids than regular trick-or-treating. And, they said, it’s a great opportunity for kids and parents to celebrate Halloween alongside their community.
For more information, contact district30@council.nyc.gov or call (718) 366-3900.