The Queens Community Board 2 held elections for numerous positions during their meeting Dec. 6. at the One Stop Richmond Hill Community Center. One notable result was Danielle Brecker being elected as the new chairperson, succeeding Morry Galonoy, who is stepping down from the role.
According to Brecker, she wants to continue the work Galonoy started. She noted how he played a big role in several resolutions being written up during his four years as chairperson. Many of these were meant to help improve the community, like a resolution passed to ensure all the shelters providing care for the homeless are well-funded.
“Morry is my very good friend and an excellent chair,” Brecker said. “I want to continue what he had been doing. I want to continue the role of making sure Community Board 2 gets the resources they need.”
Brecker has been a part of Community Board 2 for approximately two years. She is an organizer for Empire State Indivisible, an organization focused on increasing public engagement with democracy, supporting accountable governance and passing progressive policies to address systems of inequality throughout the United States. In 2020, Brecker ran against Catherine Nolan for the District 37 Assembly seat, but came up short.
Another item discussed at the recent meeting concerned a proposal by the NYC Department of Economic Development to move one of the two ferry landings in Long Island City. However, based on community opposition and concerns over efficiency, the proposal was shut down. The Community Board ultimately decided to instead come up with other solutions to improving travel in and around the district without moving the ferry stop.
The next Community Board 2 meeting is scheduled to take place on Jan. 5. It is at that meeting that the newly elected individuals, including Brecker, will take office for the first time.