
Eastern Queens lawmakers team up for Environmental Fair in Fresh Meadows

Volunteers distributed 160 rain barrels to local residents over the weekend.
Photo courtesy of Nile Rosin’s office

Local lawmakers in eastern Queens partnered with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the LES Ecology Center for the annual environmental fair held in Fresh Meadows

The event, held on Sunday, June 2, addressed both rainwater and waste management by giving local residents the opportunity to secure a free rain barrel and recycle their electronic waste. It was jointly arranged by Assemblywoman Nily Rozic, State Senator John Liu and Council Member James Gennaro.

“Rain barrels serve as important tools in cultivating environmental consciousness and offsetting flood risks, particularly during hurricane season,” said Fresh Meadows Assemblywoman Nily Rozic.” I am honored to collaborate with Council Member Gennaro, State Senator John Liu, NYC Department of Environmental Protection and LES Ecology Center in addressing both rainwater management and e-waste recycling, ensuring a comprehensive approach to sustainability for our community,” 

Local residents took home 160 rain barrels just as hurricane season kicked off at the beginning of June. They were distributed by volunteers from the elected officials’ offices. 

With an increase in damaging storms and higher recorded rainfall expected as a result of climate change, rain barrels are a small and cost-effective way to mitigate some of the effects. 

“I am especially thrilled to host events like this that help to promote sustainability and the safe disposal of e-waste. This event is wildly popular in our district,” said Council Member James Gennaro, who chairs the council’s Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency and Waterfronts. 

Particularly in eastern Queens, which is prone to street flooding during heavy rainfall, residents are gladly taking measures to protect their properties following storms like Hurricane Ida in 2021. The combination of flood zones and outdated sewage systems are some of the contributors to stormwater flooding in the region. 

“Rain barrels are a great way for homeowners to contribute to a greener, cleaner and more sustainable community. Not only can residents save on water bills, but reusing rainwater helps to relieve the burden on our sewers,” pointed out State Senator John Liu.