by Danny Kent The North Shore Anti-Graffiti Volunteers, Inc. sent a message to the white supremacist hate group that have been posting up vicious hate stickers: Queens will not be a target for their racist messages or recruiting.
The elitist group, The National Alliance, is known nationwide for their hate and bigotry. Most recently however, stop signs in College Point and Whitestone have become billboards for the extremists stickers. That was until the North Shore Anti-Graffiti Volunteers, Inc. and their president Tony Avella got involved.
"Its disconcerting to the community to see the stickers or even know that hate groups have been patrolling your neighborhood," Avella said. "But now that we have it in the open, the communities are beginning to mobilize."
With the help of the Department of Transportation (DOT), Avella and his group have been scratching and painting over the National Alliances hate stickers that state racist comments such as: "Earths Most Endangered Species, The White Race, Help Preserve it." Another read: "Dont Catch AIDS," which was followed by an extensive list of minorities to keep away from.
The National Alliance is infamous with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). In ADLs 1996 book "Danger: Extremism – The Major Vehicles and Voices on Americas Far-Right Fringe," it states, "The National Alliance is the most prominent overtly Hitlerian organization in America today." Along with having their own web site, The National Alliance have published a book, "The Turner Diaries," which according to Avella were read and followed by Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.
While the fight is not over, Avella and DOT have removed approximately 15-20 stickers