
Free Elder Law seminars at The Flushing House

For three consecutive Saturdays beginning June 3, The Flushing House will host three free Elder Law seminars put on by professionals discussing key issues that are affecting the Queens senior population.
The issues, ranging from the impact of the Medicare Part D, Medicaid provisions of the 2005 “Deficit Reduction Act,” to the most frequent scams seniors fall victim to, are free to seniors and can help them make important decisions about their future.
Lani Sanjek, associate director of the New York Statewide Senior Action Council, will speak on Saturday, June 3, reviewing the problems with Medicare Part D, the escalation of prescription drug costs, and the impact on New York’s EPIC plan. In addition, she will provide advice to seniors who may still be confused by the new Medicare Part D legislation.
On Saturday, June 10, Ronald Fatoullah, a noted elder law attorney, will discuss the Medicaid Provisions of the 2005 “Deficit Reduction Act,” which severely limits access to benefits for many seniors.
Finally, Alfonso Rojas, a New York Police Department officer will speak on Saturday, June 17 about the most common frauds that seniors fall victim to, and steps seniors can take to avoid being the next scam victim.
The free seminars will take place in the Flushing House Dining Hall from 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. For more information about the seminars or to RSVP, call Robert Salant, 718-762-3198, or send an email to rsalant@uam.org.