
Games need a big name

Allan Pope, the founder and president of the Southeast Queens Junior Olympics, didn't have to think very long about what is needed for improvement after the third bi-annual event. &#8220We are looking for a big sponsor to come with us,” he said, &#8220because we are doing this thing on a shoestring.”
They can count on contributions from public officials for only so long. For the junior Olympics to truly bust out, to become borough- and even city-wide, money is needed.
The planning committee has reached out to many big names, such as hip-hop dynamo Russell Simmons, but they have yet to make much headway. Still, many believe help is on the way - eventually.
&#8220I'm a firm believer that if you hang in there long enough, that people see you have hung in there long enough, and see your interest, your passion and your desire, they will come and help,” said vice president and tennis director Bill Briggs. &#8220We're constantly brainstorming to see how we can not just increase the numbers, because we think increasing numbers is the easy part, but to increase finances, which is the hard part.”
With more money, numbers would naturally grow, Pope said, because it would enable the games to advertise to a greater extent and to a wider base. &#8220We're limited as to what we can do now,” Pope said.
&#8220To sustain something that is not annual we need to get corporate sponsorship and business sponsorship,” added Councilmember Leroy Comrie, himself a sponsor of the games, before adding, &#8220It would be good business for people in the community to invest in this activity.”
Adding a big name would obviously solve many issues, but starting to plan out the games and how to raise money at an earlier date would also benefit everyone involved, said Fred Simmons, a member of the planning committee, representing State Senator Malcolm Smith.
&#8220Ultimately, the fundraising gets down to us getting started a little earlier,” he said. &#8220Even though it's an [every] two-year event, I think we need to start the fundraising now instead of waiting a year prior. We've got to start looking at plan of marketing now.”