
Medians to be redone – Work to begin as early as next month

Councilmember Joseph Addabbo is optimistic that improvements in the medians along stretches of Rockaway and Cross Bay Boulevard will begin shortly as part of continued beautification of the areas of Howard Beach, Woodhaven and Ozone Park.
Yesterday, September 26, those hopes took one step closer to becoming a reality.
The New York City Parks and Recreation Department registered the contract for the project to start from 97th Avenue south to 101st Avenue along Woodhaven Boulevard, with work beginning in mid-October, according to Parks and Recreation spokesperson Abby Lootens.
She said that Parks has scheduled a site meeting with the contractor at 97th Avenue for Wednesday, October 4, in order to review the scope of work including replacing existing old pavers, enlarging tree pits and planting replacement trees as well as discuss needed lane closures.
For more than a year, Addabbo and Borough President Helen Marshall have allotted $300,000 worth of funding for the renovation of 20 medians, which could cost as much as $20,000 each, along Cross Bay Boulevard stretching from Jamaica Avenue to Woodhaven Boulevard.
&#8220The Parks Department has a lot of projects in their pipeline,” Addabbo said. &#8220Unfortunately, there is not a lot of labor out there so the projects have slowed up.”
While Addabbo said that the funding he provided for the renovations more than a year ago was sufficient, he is not sure if after the one-year delay the funds will cover the costs.
&#8220The more we wait the cost of labor goes up and the cost of materials go up,” Addabbo said. &#8220I think it is personally unfair if I need to put more money in the budget because of the delay.”
However, Addabbo said he is grateful that the work will begin shortly, and that he will discuss any shortage of funds with the Parks Department.
The other two blocks, from 101st Avenue south to Rockaway Boulevard will be reconstructed under new contract that will be bid on later this fall, with work expected to start in March.
Once the contractors complete the work, Addabbo said he would work with other city agencies including the Department of Transportation (DOT) in order to maintain the renovation of the medians.