
Push for community input on bicycle lane placement

Councilmember Joseph Addabbo, Jr. is co-sponsoring a resolution that would enable community board members to give &#8220significant input” to the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) when there are proposals for bicycle lanes in their respective areas.
Under the proposed city charter, community boards would be able to share their thoughts when it comes to accepting or rejecting such bicycle lanes. Among the responsibilities given to the community board members through the charter are to &#8220cooperate with, consult, assist, and advise any public officer, agency, local administrators of agencies, legislative body, or the borough president with respect to any matter relating to the welfare of the district and its residents.”
According to DOT statistics, as of September 12, 2006, there has been one fatal crash reported that involved a bicyclist in a marked bike lane and a motor vehicle.
&#8220Residents, local community groups and other people with significant interest in a district are best equipped to determine whether new bike lanes will be integrated well into a community or may cause conditions such as limited visibility, that may affect the safety of motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians,” Addabbo said. &#8220Community boards should be allowed to give significant input into DOT proposals to install bike lanes that may affect the quality of life in their districts.”
Addabbo listed many ways that bicycles are beneficial, including being environmentally safe, promoting a healthier lifestyle and being economically efficient.