
New division, same results

Martin Van Buren girls basketball Coach Michael McClain has been looking to move out of the PSAL's ‘B' division for several years. The 30-point blowout wins weren't fun to coach or even watch for that matter. But he didn't want any part of the borough's elite clubs either.
So when the PSAL reformatted the city into three separate groups, adding a super division (Queens AA), the Vee Bees happily moved into the new ‘A.'
Life is a bit different there, as Van Buren quickly realized when a comfortable 18-point lead after three quarters in their season opener last week against Bayside was whittled down to single digits.
&#8220You can't underestimate anyone in this league,” McClain said after Van Buren held off the Commodores, 48-43.
Cadie Chu led Bayside with 14 points and Despina Psomopoulos added eight.
With four-year seniors Avery Sibbley, Sam Johnson and Katrina Robinson, the Vee Bees picked the perfect time for their jump. While Sibbley is still not 100 percent from an ankle injury, the other two key components surely are. Johnson led the way with 18 points and 10 rebounds while Robinson chipped in with 12 points and 14 assists.
&#8220Thank God for Sam; Sam was on today,” McClain said. &#8220She was ready to play. Ever since she was a freshman, she just loved to play. But Trina is the most important player on the team. Trina sets things up. As Trina goes, so does Van Buren.”
They couldn't be happier with their new surroundings, even if it might add a few losses onto their regular season resume.
&#8220It's no joke, it's not like last year - you can't go into every game thinking you're going to win, you have to play your best at all times,” Johnson said. &#8220I'm very happy about it, I like competition.
&#8220Playing teams that aren't as good kind of relaxed us too much, and when the playoffs came, we were a little rusty,” the shooting guard continued. &#8220So I think this will help us a lot.”
How well they do will likely rest on the talented Sibbley. Nicknamed the &#8220missing piece to the puzzle” because the rangy 5-foot-8 forward makes everyone's job easier when she's on, Sibbley holds the key to the Vee Bees' success. She's ready for the challenge - to meet her teammates’ expectations and the raised talent level of ‘A' division opponents.
&#8220I'm really confident and
I know we have the potential to do well,” she said. &#8220Hopefully, we can take the division championship and go all the way. This is our last year. We basically want to leave our mark.”