
Senior On The Move

Holy Cross High School student Vincent Tulino is making the most out of his senior year by challenging himself to do his very best.
Tulino has a full schedule of school activities. He is a member of the National Honor Society, the captain of the varsity bowling team, the Editor and Chief of the student newspaper Lance, the technical director of Holy Cross Television, plays the clarinet in band, is a board member of the Holy Cross High School Campus Ministry and serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Now that bowling has ended, Tulino is starting to get involved with the yearbook.
“Bowling was always my favorite,” said Tulino, a resident of Whitestone. “Now that the season has ended my main focus switches completely now to my job as editor of the paper.”
Initially, Tulino joined the paper has a staff member because he enjoyed researching things and writing about them. After being a staff member for three years, he was asked to become the editor for his senior year.
In the beginning of December, Tulino organized a trip for about 15 band members to St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital for a performance.
“I went two years ago with the band with a few select members,” he said. “I saw smiles on the kids’ faces and it touched me so I just went to the service advisor and asked him if we could do it again.”
Along with his two trips to St. Mary’s with the band, he also went once with his physics class to put on science experiments for the children.
Tulino, who began playing the clarinet in third grade, was a part of another trip that the band took to St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf.
“When we got there, each kid was given a balloon to hold and the balloon captures the vibrations and they were able to feel the performance, which is a different experience from actually hearing it,” Tulino said. “It was interesting to go there. I never realized they could do that.”
Recently, Tulino began serving as a Eucharistic Minister at St. Mel’s Church as well. Along with all of his other commitments, Tulino works at Pizza Chef in Whitestone.
“I think my best accomplishment is basically what I’m doing right now - the fact that I can stay number two in the class, have all these extra things going on and still have a life outside the school,” Tulino said.
Tulino said that his biggest inspiration has been his grandfather, who passed away last August. He said that he learned a lot from him as they did various projects around the house, such as redoing the basement.
For the remainder of his senior year, Tulino said his goal is to do his best.
“Most people feel senior year is the year to relax,” he said. “I feel like it’s the perfect time to challenge myself.”
Tulino is also waiting to find out if he got accepted to Cooper Union in Manhattan, where he wants to go to study engineering. He said that his goal is to become a mechanical engineer. He wants to get a job doing work designing equipment for the military through one of their supply companies.
“I figure that the best route for me is to try and pursue a job with the U.S. Department of Defense because through them I could find a company that supplies the military and therefore get to work with all these things that fascinate me,” Tulino said.