
Walking: Making The Most Of 30 Minutes

Fall is a wonderful time of year to get out and walk. Brisk walking for 30 minutes most days of the week is a great way to fill your quota for aerobic exercise, but it can also become so routine that it’s easy to become bored or forget you’re exercising and slip into a more leisurely pace. Try these simple enhancements to make walking more challenging and add major value in the form of extra cardiovascular work and toning.
You don’t need special footwear to start, but a good walking shoe can make a crucial difference, cushioning your feet and letting them flex properly.
Strapping on ankle or wrist weights, or carrying hand weights, is not recommended. Using them can increase the risk of injury to the joints, because they concentrate weight on only one part of the body and can compromise the overall mechanics of your walk, potentially slowing you down.
Track your activity. One easy method is to wear a pedometer, which tracks your steps.
Consumer Reports rates health and fitness equipment. To find out more, visit www.consumerreports.org/health.