
Residents of city should take stand against proposed firehouse closings

Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to close firehouses jeopardizes the lives of all the city’s citizens. Even if he closes a firehouse in someone else’s neighborhood, all neighborhoods will be affected.

For example, if a company in Brooklyn is closed and that area has a fire or emergency, companies from the surrounding areas will be sent to cover for the closed company. With these areas now without any fire or emergency coverage of their own, additional fire companies from other neighborhoods will be relocated to protect that area.

So a company in Bayside could be relocated to a firehouse in Brooklyn for many hours until those companies are back in service.

These scenarios happen every day in the city. Having less companies to protect the lives of citizens is dangerous and could lead to many fatalities. The hard−working members of the City Council are the only ones who can stop the mayor from implementing his plan. We must let them know how important this issue is to us. We must fight these proposed closings.

Michael McCrory
