The Greater Ridgewood Restoration Corporation (GRRC) is ready to start up its graffiti cleaning program, which is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Apr. 3.
Program Coordinator Peggy O’Kane advised that although GRRC staff hasn’t done a formal survey yet, just by driving around the area, they have noticed quite an upsurge in graffiti. They already have at least 20 sites on the list where they have waivers and can clean as soon as the program starts.
“We’d like to reassure owners who have already signed up that we’re ready to clean their properties,” said O’Kane. “But we need to reach others who have graffiti and have not signed our permission slips. So if you have graffiti on buildings where you live, in Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth, Middle Village, Bushwck, or south Forest Hills, call us.”
President Paul Kerzner asked residents who have graffiti on their properties or on neighboring properties, to call the GRRC at 1-718-366- 8721 and report these properties 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The GRRC will then contact the property owners and ask for permission to clean their buildings.
The GRRC is in the midst of its annual donation campaign, said Executive Director Angela Mirabile: “We have been getting a good response, but will always welcome more tax deductible contributions.”
Mirabile explained that no funds have been forthcoming from New York State for the past couple of years, and so GRRC has had to cut down its graffiti cleaning program from five days a week with two crews, to three days a week with one crew.
“We have to rely on our friends and neighbors to keep this important program running,” said Mirabile.
For more information, contact the GRRC at 1-718-366-8721, write them at 68-56 Forest Avenue, Ridgewood, N.Y., 11385, or visit their website at