
Dog Catcher bares his teeth

Dog Catcher bares his teeth

The Customs Border Protection (CBP) agency is currently running the Dog Catcher operation at JFK to intercept illegally shipped dogs to the US. According to Deputy Chief James Bowles, Cargo Control, dogs are being shipped either in cargo or as checked in luggage to this country in the hopes of making big money. Other federal agencies are joining in on the hunt for illegal dogs and shippers. Commander Hercules of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Stefanie Mount of the USDA are two of the women are working with CBP to stop this mistreatment of animals. The Pet Oasis animal facility at JFK is also involved with caring for animal exams and caring for them while a disposition is determined.

CBP instituted a more aggressive campaign against these dog shipments for several months. They y keep an eye out for these dogs and identify them in a few ways. They are either forewarned by an agent overseas that a dog of shipment of dogs is enroute. Once an animal goes through the customs procedure, the dog must pass customs approval. For a cargo shipped dog it must be 6 month of age, have veterinary papers and have an accurate description. If any of these details are missing Commander Hercules’s office is called in to review. The dog is then taken for examination. If it fails to pass the age test, then it is held in a clean cage and cared for until either a broker or owner steps up to claim the animal.

If that does not happen, then the shipping airline is notified that the animal is to be re-exported. That means send back to the country of origin and the entire process is billed to the airline. The airline is responsible.

There is no way an animal can remain here for sale or referred to a pound for adoption. It has never cleared customs and therefore is sent back.

The CBP, CDC, and USDA ask your help with information that will undermine these shipments.