It’s June, which means there are joyous days of graduations and recitals, as well as our Long Island Power List event, Father’s Day and a new national celebration of Juneteenth commemorating the ending of slavery of Black people in America.
I got to experience it all, but on Father’s Day, I missed my dad.
He’s in my soul and heart and I like to keep his photo near me. He was so special and taught me so much about life and business with his actions and words.
My father came from a poor family, but they cherished learning and he earned his bachelor’s degree in business at City College, as did all of his siblings and cousins, with one — Arthur Kornberg — becoming a Nobel Prize winner!
He was a man of few words, but what he said always had a deep impact, providing my mom, my brother and me with a marvelous life.
Coming from a poor family, he never forgot the fear of poverty. He was sometimes “cheap,” but was also extremely generous.
He made sure my brother and I never had debt from our college and graduate years.
His guidance came through in little ways. He would tell us to turn off the lights when we left a room or ask us to put back in the cabinet a paper napkin never used. His favorite saying, mostly to my mom, was, “Do you really need that?”
I hate to say he was “cheap,” but my mom was the other side of the coin and loved luxury. They fought about how to spend money until my dad turned 80, when he said to me, “I’m going to let mom buy whatever she wants!”
He adored traveling, and every trip they went on was a five-star experience. Money didn’t matter for things that were important to him.
He went through life with a real sense of balance, and I often use the words he would say to me: “Do everything but in moderation!”
He truly adored me. How lucky I was to be so loved — the best gift in my life! I miss you, Dad!
My week was filled with other celebrations, including my granddaughter Morgan dancing her heart out at her recital, my other granddaughter Addy graduating from fifth grade and moving up to middle school, as well as my grandson Jonah graduating from Sunday school. What joy to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments!

On Thursday night, my masterful events team brought together the titans of business on Long Island. I was proud to emcee the event and to see up close and personally the joy and pride on each honoree’s face. Congratulations to our Long Island Power Listers!

To cap off the week, I had the honor of greeting our hard-working, devoted to change and brilliant Mayor Eric Adams, who came to The Hampton Synagogue to speak to his “seasonally transplanted” citizens.

His message was strong and clear, facing the issues on everybody’s minds: crime, safety education and caring about each other.
He proudly reported how murders were reduced by 30% and that thousands of guns have been taken out of the hands of students in schools.
As a former teacher, I was most impressed by his plans to screen every student for special needs, as he didn’t discover his own dyslexia until he was in high school. He doesn’t want to see students suffer to learn the way he did.
I wish we can bring back civic education again to make people understand how our government works.
He boldly told the packed sanctuary that he will get the police back to full force, doing what they were trained to do and fight crime, not sit behind desks.
I loved his idea of an Ambassador Program that encourages people of different cultures to get to know each other better by holding small, intimate dinners with 10-12 people all over our city and breaking bread with each other.
I’m already planning my first group dinner. You should, too!
One by one, we can all make a difference and take our city back!
The mayor’s message was one of hope, action and bold ideas for every part of our city. With his leadership, people will feel safe and proud of our city once again!
He also told us he recites the Pledge of Allegiance every day as a reminder of the greatness of our city and country.
God bless America and God bless Mayor Adams!