
Party like a rockstar, recover like a pro: Tips for post-party recovery during festival season

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This year’s Governors Ball, set for June 7-9 at Flushing Meadows Corona Park, promises an exciting blend of music, food, festivities and spirits. With festival-goers eager to catch their favorite artists live, some may find themselves in need of recovery tips after enjoying the revelry a bit too heartily.

Although there is no definitive cure for a hangover, there are some ways to ease the day-after symptoms experienced after drinking. Forbes Health managing editor Sarah Davis shared expert tips on how to manage the day after the fun summer concert.

While drinking water is a great way to stay hydrated, Davis said to include electrolyte-rich drinks in your arsenal of festival beverages. Coconut water and sports drinks not only help with hydration, but also replenish potassium levels and other electrolytes in the body. Davis added that concert-goers should consider drinking a lot of water and electrolyte-rich beverages while consuming alcohol to counteract the dehydrating effects of alcohol.

Additionally, concertgoers should stay away from drinking their favorite lattes and cold brews, as their beloved caffeinated drinks are dehydrating. “Coffee can work to dehydrate you even further, so if you feel you really need one to overcome tiredness, then be sure to drink plenty of water or other non-caffeinated drinks alongside it,” Davis said.

Davis also suggests eating complex carbs as they enjoy their drinks, as alcohol is noted to lower blood sugar levels. “Therefore, getting whole carbs -which contain glucose- into your system will help in tackling your hangover. Some expert-recommended foods within this group include brown rice, oats or whole grain bread,” Davis said.

Anti-inflammatory medicines, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are go-to ways to nurse hangover headaches and body aches. The medications help to calm down the body’s immune system. According to Davis, the body responds to alcohol by releasing a protein called cytokines, which aids in recovery from toxins-in this case, ethanol. However, side effects of cytokines are the commonly experienced hangover symptoms. Concert-goers should avoid acetaminophen such as Tylenol, as it can potentially worsen the toxic effects of the drug on the liver if alcohol is still present in the body.

Residents can also explore natural remedies such as ginger, known for its nausea relief. “Experts recommend consuming ginger tea or sucking on some crystallized ginger root, as ginger contains compounds that can help soothe an upset stomach and reduce feelings of sickness. Furthermore, its properties can also help with bloating, gas and improving digestion,” she said.

Finally, after days of back-to-back excitement at one of Queens’ biggest summer events, it is important to replenish vitamin levels. Drinking in excess can lower essential vitamin levels needed to help soothe hangover symptoms. Experts note that vitamin B3 and zinc are beneficial in assisting in alcohol metabolism, energy levels and overall health. Davis shared, “If you’re feeling up to it, try consuming plenty of nourishing foods such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and eggs.”