
Katz Wants Kew Gardens Preserved

Councilwoman Melinda Katz invited Chairman Robert Tierney of the Landmarks Preservation Commission to walk along the streets of Kew Gardens to discuss the historical significance of the stunning majestic homes built there decades ago.
The purpose of the walk-through was to allow Tierney the opportunity to see first hand the importance of creating a historical district in Kew Gardens. Designation as a New York City historic district is just one tool a community can use when working to preserve the architectural importance of the neighborhood.
Although a historic district designation by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission provides strong protection against demolition and insensitive change, it can be a lengthy process. The landmarks law defines a Historic District as an area that has a “special character or special historic or aesthetic interest.” Therefore, designating the area a historical district would protect beautiful and historical homes from being demolished or remodeled and forever changing their architectural significance.
Katz said, “It is important that we take steps to preserve this beautiful community. Creating a historical district in Kew Gardens will preserve the architectural beauty and historical importance of these magnificent homes.”