
An End to the Big Chill

Congratulations to the 21 Queens City Council members who authored a bill that purports to solve a problem that almost no one knows exists and fewer care about. The new law, Introductory Number 264-A, requires commercial establishments to keep their doors closed when operating air conditioning systems.

“At the same time, in recognition of the disproportionate burden this legislation may place on restaurants and small businesses,” said Mayor Michael Bloomberg, “the bill exempts stores less than 4,000 square feet in size that are not part of a chain, and also restaurants that open to sidewalk cafés.”

The law is hostile to small businesses. It appears at times that this kind of legislation is driven more by term limit pressures than the call of civic duty.

We doubt that the 21 Council members actually thought air conditioning spilling out onto hot summer sidewalks was a serious problem. Furthermore, we doubt there are 21 citizens in the city who even knew this problem existed.