I would like to comment on the article “GOP has faith in Halloran” (Little Neck Ledger, Sept. 24) and Dee Richard’s column “Deep personal loss leads to Council candidate’s conversion” (Little Neck Ledger, Sept. 24).
I do not care about anyone’s religious beliefs as long as they do not have a problem with mine. A person can be monotheistic, polytheistic or atheistic. I might have to rethink a Satanist or a witchcraft practitioner.
But in the article, state Sen. Frank Padavan (R-Bellerose) is quoted as saying, “I’d rather someone have a religion — even if it’s not a mainstream religion — than their being atheist.”
Would he accept a Satanist or Wiccan? It seems paganism is OK. I did not know there was some religious requirement for elective office, or even citizenship, in the United States of America.
As for Richard, she says Halloran’s religion’s “practitioners believe in pretty much the same principles as all other religions. To wit, be the best you can be, do no harm to your fellow man and leave the world a better place. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong in that credo.”
No, there is not. I am not sure all other religions believe in it, but I am sure there are many people who do not believe in religion or God but in that credo. There are atheists who do good in the world as there are religion-believers who do evil.
It is what you do, not what you believe, that matters with one’s god.
Jerry Schreibersdorf