When I say, “golden ticket,” what words pop into your mind?
Willy Wonka?
Gene Wilder?
Johnny Depp?
Charlie Bucket?
Maybe even Jack Albertson?
And who is Roald Dahl? Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 motion picture based on the 1964 novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, written by Dahl.
The book, the original movie, and the newer movie, a darker version with Johnny Depp, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, are American icons (although the author was British).
The book and movies focus around a slightly nutty entrepreneur, a chocolate factory, tiny workers, and a contest to find one of the five “golden tickets” that were securely wrapped within a Wonka bar. Almost like a lottery, if you found a golden ticket you were rewarded with an all-day tour by Willy Wonka himself of his secret candy factory.
Charlie Bucket, the hero and ideal child, was one of the five winners. The other four children were spoiled brats and as they went on the tour, they showed their greed or misbehaved in such a way as to be punished or banished. Charlie Bucket was the winner of the tour and was rewarded with the entire factory and empire. Not a bad day’s work.
But there’s much more to this children’s story. There are lessons to be learned, both in sales and in life. Charlie Bucket was an impoverished kid with a vision. You may call it a dream - but his vision and belief were so strong, he made them a reality. He was certain he would get the golden ticket, in spite of his family doubters.
Here are the lessons. Apply them to your sales life and you will win the gold:
There’s a golden ticket somewhere for you. The secret is: Don’t wait on your couch for it to arrive. Go out and get it by working for it, and take advantage of all the gold it has to offer.
You may not win a chocolate factory - but the victory will be sweet.
AUTHORS NOTE: If you doubt the popularity of the story, try to buy a 1964 first edition of Dahl’s book for less than $2,500.
If you want more information on how to deepen the belief in yourself, go to www.gitomer.com, register if you’re a first-time visitor, and enter the word BELIEF in the GitBit box.
Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Little Red Book of Selling. President of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts Internet training programs on selling and customer service at www.trainone.com. He can be reached at 704/333-1112 or e-mail to salesman@gitomer.com
© 2008 All Rights Reserved – Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer