
Senior returns as a counselor to help the camp that helped him

Holy Cross High School senior Joseph Wylie spent his summer giving back to the camp that helped him following the loss of his firefighter father, who died in the line of duty.
On January 3, 1995, Wylie's father, Thomas, was killed while responding to a fire in Chinatown.
In 2002, America's Camp, which is located in Massachusetts, was formed for children who had lost a parent or sibling in the 9/11 attacks and for children or siblings of firefighters and law enforcement officers lost in the line of duty. The first summer that the seven-day sleep away camp was opened, Wylie went, also going for the 2003 and 2004 summers. Wylie said that, because all of the campers were &#8220in the same boat,” he felt like he'd be able to connect with them.
When Wylie found out that there was a community service requirement for seniors at Holy Cross, it didn't take him long to figure out what he wanted to do.
&#8220As soon as I heard that we needed senior service, I right away thought of the camp,” Wylie said.
This past summer, Wylie worked as a counselor in training at America's camp.
&#8220What I did there was have fun with the kids, made them kind of forget about their problems at least for a week,” said Wylie, who has two sisters, Rachel and Amanda. &#8220I know how the kids felt so I felt I could help them.”
Wylie said that he has been given a lot in his life, and it was nice to do so for others.
&#8220It feels really good to help people that need your help,” he said. &#8220It's nice to give back every once in a while.”
Michael Genovese, the Director of the Service Learning Program at Holy Cross, said that Wylie also helps students at the school who are going through similar situations and also described him as &#8220not of words but of deeds.”
&#8220At school, when a student loses a parent, he is right there ready to offer his services to talk to an individual because he knows what they're going through,” Genovese said. &#8220Joe is a quiet kid but he loves sports and he finds the time to help other individuals get through that rough spot in their life.”
In 1995, Wylie's mother, Randi, set up a scholarship at Holy Cross High School in Thomas Wylie's name. He graduated from the school in 1982 and played on its football team. Joseph Wylie said that, when selecting a recipient for the scholarship, they are looking to give an opportunity to a good person.
Just like his father, Wylie also played on the football team for four years as a defensive back.
&#8220I've always been interested in football,” he said. &#8220It was a lot of fun.”
After graduating from Holy Cross High School, Wylie will attend college to major in business, although he said he does not know yet the specific job he wants.
&#8220I'm leaving myself open to a lot of possibilities,” said Wylie, who also works a part-time job.
Wylie is also planning on taking the fireman's exam. He said that he is not sure if it is something he wants to do, but doesn't want to miss the opportunity.
In general, Wylie said that his future goals are to live a fulfilling life, help others along the way and to be happy.